In the last State election held in November of 2022, Michigan electors voted to approve proposal 2022-2. With that new law, there will be some changes in the voting process for federal and state elections in the future.
The biggest new change allows for early voting for 9 consecutive days prior to Election Day. Early voting is only required for Federal and State elections. This is in addition to Absentee Voting, so there are now three ways to vote in a Federal or State election, you may vote Absentee, vote during the 9 days of early voting, or vote at our precinct on election day. Any special elections for the townships, counties or schools will not give the voters the opportunity to vote early. Early voting will not be done at your precinct but will be held in the Custer Township Hall on US 10 in Custer.
Another change will be there is no longer a permanent absent voters list. The new list will be called the PERMANENT BALLOT LIST. (you will no longer be receiving a new application for each State & Federal election) Anyone can apply to be on the Permanent Ballot list by visiting Michigan.gov/vote or by obtaining a new application from the township clerk.
If you have election questions, please contact the State of Michigan Bureau of Elections Main Receptionist (general public questions) at elections@michigan.gov or 800.292.5973.
If you have any local questions, please contact Eden Township Clerk, Julie Van Dyke at edentwp49405@gmail.com or Deputy Clerk Brenda Carr at carrmechanical2005@hotmail.com.